My Morning Veil

I was  lost  between  the seashells  you  were looking  for
With the  great sadness  of a leaf that won’t  fall
And  stays  behind  on  the  winter’s  tree  as  a  cape
Like  a flower that  radiates  its  perfume for nobody

I will  go into the mystery  of the night
For the  night has  no name  and  never  will
So we could taste  it  from  far away
I will  go into the mystery  of the night

I will  wear  my  earthly  body  under  my  morning  veil
When  I return  from  the  world of fevers
To catch the vibration  of  happiness
In  the  moon’s  hidden  garden  of light

But  eyes  like  yours  give me a sense of  myself
Like  the unseasonable wind  that brings  me back
To radiant  memories  that  will blow me away
To the depths  of the ancient  stranger

- Sam Endavour, 2019


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