
You're the Swedish angel of the plains of relief
You bend over to see the contradictions
The mystic has left on the ground
And to be surprised by the mistral
To experience the coherence of chaos
In its most pure and radical form

Your heart is heavy, but so is the ocean
So, move to the wind and the air
For those are the lightness your heart needs
And your unity of song and light arises
From the sight of a sun purer
Than the sun that shines above our heads

You know this reality is symbolic
As you stand under the most mystic symbol:
The sun, as the temple of changing energy
And your words, and your body, and your soul
Radiate in the same rhythm as the sun's rays
While your immortal heart expels the salty tears

In your heart nothing is artificial
A heart without paper flowers or reflection
Not covered in layers of floral tapestry
No, a passion clamps onto your chest
And you leave the scattered distances behind
In your movements where no night exists

- Sam Endavour, June 2019


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